Hang 2 (Novice) pilot study guide
(Know the answers to and [especially] reasons for the following)

What is trim speed and how can it be changed?

What is “adverse yaw” and what causes it?

What do the terms “Roll stable” and “Roll neutral” mean.

What is the effect of distance from ground or objectrs on your perception of how fast you are flying?
or how much your position has changed over time?

What effect does altitude have on your perception of ground speed?

What are the effects on glider handling associated with your airspeed ?

What are the effects on glider handling associated with your ground speed?

Why might you want different airspeed in a turn than flying straight and level?

What is “twist” in a wing? What is its purpose?

What is the difference between min. sink speed and best glide speed?
What happens to each if you change your airspeed either faster or slower?

How are stall speed, min. sink speed and best glide speed effected by wing loading?

If a glider is trimmed for min. sink for a 140 pound pilot and a 160 pound pilot
flies it, normally what will be the difference?

What do people mean when they say “slipping turn”?

If a pilot stalls a glider while flying downwind, what is the probable cause?

What is the importance of glider feedback?

What is a primary cause of a pilot not getting glider feedback while they are flying?

Assume that your glider is trimmed at slightly above best glide speed (not as we trim
them), as you gradually slow down, what will the effect be on glider performance and
what might you perceive? Include things like bar pressure.

In order to help insure good landings, what should your trim speed be?

What is a normal error made by pilots launching in higher winds?

What is “relative wind” and what controls it?

How can a pilot change the stall speed of a glider as they land?

If you are flying straight and level at high altitude and slowly slow up the glider
until you are fully pushed out and stay pushed out, what is the sequence of things
that you will experience.

Now the same as the above but you are in a gentle turn, what will you experience?

In general, what are the differences between a double surface (faster) glider and
a single surface glider?

You are flying at minimum sink and suddenly get very worried about being able to
get over an approaching tree line, what should you do?

How does wind speed effect your airspeed and ground speed?

What are four critical conditions that must be met to insure a good launch?

What are four critical conditions that must be met for a good landing ?

What are two of the most important things that are needed in a crosswind launch?

If you are at a new site, what is the best way to evaluate the skills needed to fly it safely?

If you are at all unsure of whether it is safe to fly what do you do?

What are two ways that you will use to lose altitude to get into a landing area?

If you are on final at 100 feet and you think you are too high, what do you do?

If you are on final at 30 feet and you are too high, what do you do?

If you are on final at 20 feet and feel that your groundspeed is quite fast, what do you do?

What is angle of attack and what controls it?

If you are trying to turn and the glider doesn’t respond, what are the two of most likely causes?

What is a third cause?

What do you expect to find happens with wind velocity at different altitudes?

How do you change your flying behavior flying at high altitude vs close to solids?

What are the first three things you do before making a turn?

What happens to air when it is deflected by solids?

What are acceptable odds for good flight for deciding whether to fly or not?